Sermon text: Ruth 2 — Hope in Providence.
Prelude: “Hear O Israel, The Lord thy God is one God” (Jaomìr Weinberger (1896-1967)
Introit: “God His Own Doth Tend and Nourish” (Traditional Swedish Melody)
Hymn 664 (Supplemental Hymnal) : “Great Is The Lord”
Sing all the way through twice, then go back to (D.S.) on the 3rd line
Prayer Response: “Hear Our Prayer O Lord” (Whelpton)
Anthem: “Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord” (Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.
He never will suffer the righteous to fall: He is at thy right hand.
His mercy ever sure, is greater than the heavens.
None e’er shall be ashamed that wait upon Him.
Look to Jesus in every need, and His love shall save thee.
What though the world be cruel and hard, His calm pervades thee.
With patient, gentle voice He whispers to our hearts,
“O weary toil-worn pilgrim, come unto Me and rest.
Hymn 655 (Supplemental Hymnal) : “O God Our Help In Ages Past”
Offertory: “I Call To Thee, Lord Jesus Christ” BWV 639 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
Hymn 171: Psalm 23: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”
Choral Benediction: “Go With Us Lord” (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)
Postlude: “Now Thank We All Our God” (Georg Friedrich Kauffman 1679-1735)
Music notes
Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord is from the oratorio “Elijah” and is sung by a quartet representing angels.
The text is loosely based upon Psalm 55:22 and Psalm 16:8. Jakob Ludwig Mendelssohn Barthlody was born into a prominent Jewish family and later baptized as a Reformed Christian. A child prodigy, he had early success in Germany where he revived interest in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and was particularly well-received in England as a composer, conductor, and soloist. Many of his major works were composed during his ten visits there.
Kauffman left a legacy of ninety-eight preludes on sixty-three chorales in his Harmonische Seelenlust. In mid-life he was one of nine prominent musicians competing for the position of Kappellmeister of Leipzig. He was the prime contender for the job until April 1723, when the town council hired J. S. Bach for the position.
Bach's chorale Prelude is on a prayer hymn asking for relief from despair, assurance that one would not be put to scorn, protection from misfortune, avoidance of temptation, and assurance of eternal life.
Hear O Israel is the most theatrical of Weinberger's "Bible Poems" from 1939. It features the melody from an old Jewish chant set in descending diminished seventh chords and a final chord that literally growls from the depths of the organ.