Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Providence Presbyterian, June 8 2014

Music for June 8, Pentecost, Communion

Prelude “Come Holy Spirit” (Friedrich Wilhelm Zachau (1663-1712)

Choral Introit “Psalm 84”  (arr. Bob Moody, b. 1941)

Hymn 126 “Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove”

Choral Response “Trinity Alleluia” (traditional)

Anthem:  “The Sanctus”  (Martin Luther, 1526 from his “German Mass.” arr. Philip Dietterich b.1931)

Hymn of Preparation 322: “Spirit of the Living God” 

Music during distribution: "Communion" (Leon Boellmann

Hymn 127: “Come, O Spirit”

Offertory: “Pièce pour Orgue”  (César Franck 1822-1890)

Hymn 128: “On Pentecost They Gathered”  

Choral Response “Go With Us, Lord”  (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)

Postlude “Let Us All with Gladsome Voice Praise the Lord of Heaven”  (Healey Willan 1880-1968)

Wedding music on a 1802 English Chamber organ

On June 7 I had the pleasure of playing for a lovely wedding in the chapel at the Trump Winery out neat Ash Lawn-Highland outside Charlottesville VA.

The instrument is a one manual tracker chamber organ with the following stops:
Open Diapason 8'  (common basses with Stopped Diapason below Tenor C)
Stopped Diapason 8'
Principal 4'
Twelfth 2 2/3'  (from Tenor G)
Fifteenth 2'

The OHS database listing is here:

The processional for the wedding party was Purcell's Fanfare in C, in E. Power Biggs' setting.  Stop changes provided variety.

For the bride it was "Trumpet Voluntary" (Prince of Denmark's March) by Jeremiah Clarke, from the Wedding Music volume of The Parish Organist.

The gathering music included one of the Elgar Vesper Voluntaries, and other Voluntaries by Jackson, Sechter, and Bossi.  A harmonium piece by Franck rounded out the lot.

The recessional was Marcello's Psalm 19, again from The Parish Organist.  Postlude was "Now Thank We All Our God" by Kauffmann from the Peters Edition "80 Chorale Preludes."