Rodgers Trillium 3 manual with midi module.
Sanctus from Mass for Parishes…….François Couperin (1668-1733)
I. Grand Plein Jeu including Basson 16, Principals, and Mixtures. Pedal to 32’
II. Cornet (8, 2 ⅔, 1 ⅗) on Swell r.h., Rohrflote 8 on Gt. l.h., Pedal Violone 16.
III. Bourdon 8 on Sw. with term, r.h. Cromhorne 8 and Spitz Gedeckt 8 for melody in tenor, Pedal Echo Bourdon 16 with Swell to pedal
Introit (Congregational) “Here I am Lord” PH #525 Flutes & strings with tremolos.
Special Music in absence of choir: Organ: Simple Gifts…………………Russell Schulz Widmar.
Gt. Rohrflote 8, Ch: SpitzGedeckt 8, Erzhaler Celeste 8, Swell to Choir, Swell Flute Celeste 8. Pedal Echo Bourdon 16, Swell to Pedal.
Prayer Response (organ only in absence of choir) “Hear Our Prayer O Lord” Melody on “Choir Aahs” Midi on Swell; Alto & Tenor SpitzGedeckt 8 and Erzhaler Celeste II on Choir, Bass on Pedal Echo Bourdon 16, choir to pedal.
The Last Supper from “Bible Poems” …. Jaromír Weinberger (1869-1967)
Gt: Diapason 8 (Stop Palette), Trumpet 8 (Stop Palette) Tremolo, Swell to Gt, Ch. to Gt. Sw: Viole Celeste 8, Bourdon 8, Flute Celeste 8, Tremolo. Choir: SpitzGedeckt 8, Erzhaler Celeste 8, Koppelflote 4, Tremolo, Swell to Choir
Pedal: Sub Bourdon 32, Echo Bourdon 16, Swell to pedal.
All Swells.
Offertory ends in B minor. Move one note to go to D major, then D7, then introduce opening phrase of Doxology (Old 100th, SM) in pedal with “Big Reed” then improv ending with last phrase on swell with “Big Reed.”
Music during Communion (Presbyterian distribution by passing plates in pews)
Setting of “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross” (Hamburg) by Garrett Parker (Solo Rohrflote against Choir strings.)
Elegy from 50 Short Pieces by Flor Peeters. Same registration. Melody in tenor.
Postlude: Toccata in F Major………………Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1747)
“God of Compassion in Mercy Befriend Us” PH #261 (O Quanta Qualia). Intro and vs 1 By Charles Callahan, melody in soprano with 2 voice manual accomp.
Vs. 2 by Charles Callahan, big reed melody in tenor with light treble accompaniment and pedal point through part and pedal bass otherwise. vs. 3 from Hymnal.
“In the Day of Need” PH# 169 (Samson -- Warren) New to this congregation. Intro with just the melody through the hymn. Accomp for verses from hymnal.
“Here, O our Lord, we see Thee face to face” PH #520. No music in hymnal but two optional tunes. Using Morecambe out of “The Hymnal” from Evangelical and Reformed (formerly German Reformed) church from the 1930’s. 3 css, before communion from this hymnal. Final 2 verses after communion using 2 settings by Charles Callahan. 1 verse with melody in soprano, final with melody in tenor on big reed.
Benediction Response from 1955 “The Hymnbook” for the PCUS (Southern) is the “Three Fold Amen” Using the midi voice “Choir aahs” supported by light pedal.
How did The Last Supper go? Any comments? I live across the street from Charlotte's Third Pres.