Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Providence Music March 2, 2014

Prelude:  "Sanctus"   ( François Couperin 1668-1733 )

Introit:  "Psalm 65:4"  (Bob Moody b.1941)

Hymn 487  "When Morning Gilds The Skies"

Prayer Response  "Have Thine Own Way, Lord"

Anthem:  "O Wondrous Sight, O Vision Fair"  (Text: Latin 15th Century;   Tune English 12th Century)

Hymn 142  "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"

Offertory:  "Orgelstück"  (Justin Heinrich Knecht 1752-1817)

Hymn 485 "To God Be the Glory" 

Benediction Response  "Psalm 134:3"  (English Folk Song)

Postlude.  "Psalm 19 : The Heavens Declare the Glory of God"  (Benedetto Marcello 1686-1739)

Music Notes:
Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."  

We therefore use music and hymn texts from all ages in our worship.  Today the sung texts include the Psalms of David, a hymn from the fifteenth century, and a text by Fanny Crosby from 1875.  Music to which the texts is sung dates from the twelfth century to the 1990's.  Organ music originates from France, Germany, and Italy, underscoring the omnipresence of God.  (Orgelstück means "organ piece.")

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Providence Presbyterian February 23, 2014

Prelude: On The Lake of Galilee (Isaac Barton, MD--1912)

Introit:  Psalm 65:4   (Bob Moody)

Hymn 333:  Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God.

Prayer Response: "Have Thine Own Way, Lord"

Anthem:   Wonderful Grace of Jesus  (Haldor Lillenas) 

Hymn 387: Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Offertory:  Ballade (King Richard the Lionhearted -12th Century)

Hymn 649 (Supplemental Hymnal)  I Need Thee Every Hour

Benediction Response:  Psalm 134:3  (English Folk Song) 

Postlude: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Donald Hustad--1960s)

Music Notes on today's anthem:

Haldor Lillenas (1885-1959) was one of the most important 20th century gospel hymn writers and publishers.  He was an ordained minister, author, poet, music publisher and prolific hymn writer who is estimated to have composed over 4,000 hymns, the most famous being Wonderful Grace of Jesus, from 1918.   This hymn was the theme song of the 50-member Chorus Choir of St. Paul's Evangelical United Bretheren Church in Staunton for their weekly half-hour broadcasts of the St. Paul's Sunday Evening Song Service on the Armed Forces Radio Network during the 1950's.  Todaty's version is from the Celebration Hymnal. 

New Providence Presbyterian February 16, 2014

Prelude:   All Glory Be to God on High  (Georg Phillip Telemann)

Introit:  Psalm 65:4  (Bob Moody)

Hymn 145:  Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!

Prayer Response:  "Have Thine Own Way, Lord"

Anthem:  Psalm 112.  (Text from 1912 Psalter, tune "Tallis Canon" arr. Bob Moody)

Hymn 646:  We've a Story to Tell to the Nations  (Supplemental Hymnal)

Offertory:  Chromatic Fugue (Johann Pachelbel)

Hymn 366:  Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me

Benediction Response:  Ps. 134:3  (English Folk Melody)

Postlude:  Toccata in F Major  (Dietrich Buxtehude)

New Providence Presbyterian February 2, 2014

Prelude:  "Meditation"  (Caleb Simper)

Introit:   "Introit #1, ps 65:4"   (Bob Moody)

Hymn 457  "I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art  (attr. John Calvin)

Prayer Response: "Have Thine Own Way, Lord

Anthem:  "This Little Light of Mine"  (arr. Bob Moody)

Hymn of Preparation #626 (Supplemental Hymnal)  More About Jesus

Hymn  485:  "To God Be the Glory"

Offertory:  "Pastorale"  (Caleb Simper)

Hymn 341: "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine"

Benediction Response:  "Psalm 134: 3"  (English Folk Tune)

Postlude:  "March"  (Caleb Simper)

Music Notes:
Caleb Simper (1856-1942) Was an English composer and organist.  He gained fame in the early 20th century for his prolific output of choral and organ works.  While he lived his life in an obscure area of western England, he spread the Word of God throughout the world, selling over five million copies of his anthems by the 1920's.  His organ works have one or two word titles and are organized into a number of volumes of seventeen pieces each.  His music fell out of popularity for a while, but is now experience a worldwide resurgence in Singapore, Australia, South Africa, England, and the United States.   There are over 1300 YouTube videos of his music.  All of his music is now in the public domain and is being republished online by interested musicians. Today's organ music is all from Volume 3 of his Voluntaries.

Bob Moody wrote today's Introit while a college student in 1961 for the dedication of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Staunton VA, where his aunt was director of music.  

New Providence Presbyterian Church January 26, 2014

Prelude:   A Mighty Fortress Is Our God..... Johann Pachelbel

Introit:  Tell Me The Old Old Story

Hymn 260:  A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Prayer Response:  Hear Our Prayer, O Lord .... Whelpton

Anthem:   "The People That Walked in Darkness" from Messiah..... Handel
                   Don Roll, bass soloist

Hymn 370:  Just As I Am

Offertory:  Ecce jam Noctis (Lo! the Night is Departing).....  Garth Edmundson

Hymn 620:  Love Lifted Me  (Supplemental Hymnal)

Benediction Response:  It is Well With My Soul

Postlude:  Love Divine!  All Loves Excelling..... arr. Donald Hustad

Music Notes.
Ecce jam Noctis was a latin hymn written by Gregory I (540-604) .  The first and last verses of Pope Gregory's hymn are:
Now, when the dusky shades of night, retreating, Before the sun’s red banner, swiftly flee;
Now, when the terrors of the dark are fleeting, O Lord, we lift our thankful hearts to Thee.

So, when the morn of endless light is waking, And shades of evil from its splendors flee,
Safe may we rise, the earth’s dark breast forsaking,Through all the long bright day to dwell with Thee.

The prelude by Garth Edmunson (1892-1971, organist at First Presbyterian New Castle PA) begins with a mood of darkness and gradually brightens as day (Christ the bright morning star) approaches. 

The hymn and the prelude also reference Romans 13:12  The night has passed, but the day has come. So let us cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light,

New Providence Presbyterian January 19, 2014

Prelude:   Opening Voluntary...... John Zundel

Introit:  Tell Me The Old Old Story

Hymn  411:  Arise, Your Light Is Come!

Prayer Response:  Hear Our Prayer, O Lord (Psalm 143:1) ..... George Whelpton

Anthem:  O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How HIgh..... 15th Century hymn, arr. Carl Schalk

Hymn 630:  Standing on the Promises (Supplemental Hymnal)

Offertory:  Benedictus (Blessed) ..... François Couperin

Hymn 343:  Called as Partners in Christ's Service

Closing response: It Is Well With My Soul

Postlude: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee..... Donald Hustad.

Music Notes:
John Zundel (1815-1882) was best known for the hymn tune "Beecher" used for "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling," as well as today's final hymn.   Zundel emigrated from his native Germany to Russia in 1840 where he served as a bandmaster and organist and then to the United States in 1847. He held several church music appointments in the US including as organist at Plymouth Congregational Church, Brooklyn where he worked briefly with Henry Ward Beecher, for whom his famous hymn tune was named. Upon retirement he returned to his native Germany.  His Opening Voluntary is typical of nineteenth century American organ music and was composed for the kind of organ sound present on the New Providence Estey organ of 1911.  

New Providence Presbyterian January 5, 2014

Prelude: Pastorale: The Shepherds, The Angels, The Journey (Domenico Zipoli)

Introit:  What Is This Star?

First Hymn:  255--Psalm 147

Prayer Response: "Hear Our Prayer O Lord"  (George Whelpton)

Anthem:  In The Beginning Was The Word.....  (Clifford McCormick)

Second Hymn: 327--O Word of God Incarnate

Offertory: The old year now hath passed away (J. S. Bach)

Third Hymn: 63 : As With Gladness Men of Old

Benediction: Praise to the Trinity

Postlude:  Adeste Fidelis (Sigvart A. Hofland -- 1889-1956) 

New Providence Presbyterian, December 22 2013

Note:  because of snow the bell choir did not perform on the 8th.  Another musician played on the 15th.
So the bell choir played on the 22nd.

Prelude: Bell Choir: "I Wonder as I Wander" from "Songs of The Hill Folk, 1933"  (arranged for Bells by Dave Howland)

Introit:  Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending

Hymn 1:  #309  Of The Father's Love Begotten

Anthem:  Alleluia!    J. S. Bach

Hymn 2:  #11 O Lord, How Shall I Meet You

Offertory:  O Lord, How Shall I Meet You....... Flor Peeters

Hymn 3:  #31  Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Benediction Response:  Song of Simeon

Postlude:  Joy To The World..... Donald Hustad

New Providence Presbyterian December 8, 2013

Prelude:  "I Wonder As I Wander"  from "Songs of the Hill Folk" (1933)  Arranged for bells by Dave Howland …..Bell Choir

Introit:  Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending

Hymn #2:  Come, Thous Long-Expected Jesus

Anthem:  Comfort, Comfort You My People (Psalm 42).... Genevan Psalter

Offertory:  In Dulci Jubilo...... Marcel Dupré

Hymn #38:  It Came Upon The Midnight Clear

Hymn #49: Once in Royal David's City

Benediction Response:  Prepare the Way, O Zion.... Swenska Psalmboken (1697)

Postlude:  O Come, All Ye Faithful..... Sigvart A. Hofland

New Providence Presbyterian December 1 2013

Prelude:  O Come, O Come Emmanuel..... Alec Wyton
Anthem:  Blessed is He That Cometh….. Charles Gounod
Offertory:   Angels We Have Heard On High..... Alec Wyton
Postlude: Noel Plein Jeu et Duo..... Louis-Claude D'Aquin
Introit:  Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending
First Hymn:  #9  "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"
Second Hymn:  #310  "On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry.    Sung to Old Hundredth. 
Communion Hymn:  #280   Amazing Grace. 
Third Hymn:  #379 "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less"
Benediction Response "Prepare The Way, O Zion."   
Music note for the bulletin 
British born and educated at Oxford, Alec Wyton (1921-2007), composer of the prelude and offertory, was organist at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City from 1954-74.  He was a friend of Carl Broman (1904-1979), Bob's organ teacher.  Dr. Wyton played several recitals at Trinity Church in Staunton, as well as leading a farewell hymn festival at Trinity Church to honor Broman just prior to Dr. Broman's death.  

New Providence Presbyerian, November 17, 2013

Prelude:  Come Christians Join to Sing .....  arr. Don Hustad

Introit:  All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Psalm 100)

First Hymn:  478   Praise My Soul the King of Heaven

Anthem:  Work, For the Night Is Coming ...  Text Anna Coghill, Music Lowell Mason

Second Hymn:  155  Rejoice, The Lord is King

Offertory:  My Jesus, I Love Thee..... arr. Don Hustad

Final Hymn:  447  Lead On, O King Eternal

Benediction Response:  The Lord's My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

Postlude:  The Solid Rock..... arr. Don Hustad.

Music note for the bulletin

Organ music today includes arrangements of familiar hymns by Don Hustad (October 2, 1918-June 22 2013).   Born in rural Minnesota, Hustad was a toddler when his father was killed in a hunting accident, after which the family moved to Iowa where they lived in a church related institution for indigent people.  Don's music training began there with piano lessons at age 4 and by age 8 he was playing gospel hymns in public worship and providing improvised accompaniments for the institution's Christian radio station.  By the end of grade school he had learned major piano works by Beethoven and Liszt.  His musical skills provided financial support while he was in college, where he directed the college band, led a male quartet, and became organist at the local Methodist church.  After college he moved to Chicago where he was a church organist and was hired in 1940 by radio station WMBI as a staff musician.  He auditioned for George Beverley Shea for that job.  The two of them had a weekly progarm of hymns on the ABC radio network for ten years.  After ten years as a radio musician he moved into college teaching, having earned Masters and Doctorate degrees in music from Northwestern University.  During the 1940's he developed a relationship with the Billy Graham Crusades and in 1961 became the official Crusade Organist for Billy Graham.   During the time with Graham, he also worked as music advisor for Hope Publishing Company, writing over 100 choral pieces and many vocal and keyboard volumes, and fourteen song books.  His final twenty years of work were as professor of music at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  In post retirement he wrote books, edited a new hymnal, and had many speaking and performance engagements.  He achieved the Associate degree from the American Guild of Organists, a Fellow degree from the Royal College of Organists in London, and was named a Fellow of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada.  

New Providence Presbyterian November 10, 2013

Prelude:  All Glory Be to God on HIgh...... Telemann

Introit:  All People That on Earth Do Dwell (Psalm 100)

Hymn 1:  466     O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing

Anthem:  Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation..... Wood

Hymn 2:  446   Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken

Offertory:   Intermezzo....... Handel

Hymn 3:  108   Christ is Alive!

Postlude:  Allegro Moderato from 2nd Sonata..... Mendelssohn

New Providence Presbyterian 9/29/13

Prelude:   Intrada........................John Ireland (1879-1962) 

Offertory:  Voluntary, Op 14 #3..............Sir Edward Elgar  (1857-1934) 

Postlude:  Postludium in G....................Sir John Stainer (1840-1901)

Today's organ music includes selections written by English composers who would have, in their formative years, played small tubular pneumatic action pipe organs like the Estey at New Providence. This music fits the New Providence organ quite well.

 Ireland studied at the Royal College of Music in London and later taught there as well as composing. Benjamin Britten was one of his students. Ireland was organist in London churches throughout his career.  
     Elgar, famous for his Pomp and Circumstance marches,  wrote his Vesper Voluntaries in 1890, and they were the predecessor to his Enigma Variations.

As a boy Stainer sang in the choir of St. Paul’s Cathedral (1847–56).  Named organist at St. Paul’s in 1872, Stainer served in that prestigious position until 1888 and was professor of music at the University of Oxford from 1889 to his death.

New Providence Presbyterian 9/10/13

Salvation Has Come Here to Us.....................17th Cent. German

Simple Gifts................... Russell Schulz-Widmar

Postlude in F Major..................Caleb Simper