Introit: Tell Me The Old Old Story
Hymn 260: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Prayer Response: Hear Our Prayer, O Lord .... Whelpton
Anthem: "The People That Walked in Darkness" from Messiah..... Handel
Don Roll, bass soloist
Hymn 370: Just As I Am
Offertory: Ecce jam Noctis (Lo! the Night is Departing)..... Garth Edmundson
Hymn 620: Love Lifted Me (Supplemental Hymnal)
Benediction Response: It is Well With My Soul
Postlude: Love Divine! All Loves Excelling..... arr. Donald Hustad
Music Notes.
Ecce jam Noctis was a latin hymn written by Gregory I (540-604) . The first and last verses of Pope Gregory's hymn are:
Now, when the dusky shades of night, retreating, Before the sun’s red banner, swiftly flee;
Now, when the terrors of the dark are fleeting, O Lord, we lift our thankful hearts to Thee.
Now, when the terrors of the dark are fleeting, O Lord, we lift our thankful hearts to Thee.
So, when the morn of endless light is waking, And shades of evil from its splendors flee,
Safe may we rise, the earth’s dark breast forsaking,Through all the long bright day to dwell with Thee.
Safe may we rise, the earth’s dark breast forsaking,Through all the long bright day to dwell with Thee.
The prelude by Garth Edmunson (1892-1971, organist at First Presbyterian New Castle PA) begins with a mood of darkness and gradually brightens as day (Christ the bright morning star) approaches.
The hymn and the prelude also reference Romans 13:12 The night has passed, but the day has come. So let us cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light,
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