This is what was planned. See below.
Music for March 30-- Lent 4 and Commissioning
Bell Choir Prelude: "Pie Jesu" from "Requiem" (John Rutter b.1945)
Introit: "Blest Be The Tie That Binds"
Hymn #175: Psalm 23- The Lord's My Shepherd
Prayer Response: "Kyrie" (John Merbecke 1510-1585)
Anthem: "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" (William Kirkpatrick 1838-1931)
Hymn Sing (on a 5th Sunday there is a hymn sing with requests from the congregation. )
Offertory: "Prelude in C Major" (William Selby 1738-1798)
Hymn 280: "Amazing Grace"
Benediction Response: Go With Us, Lord (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)
Postlude: Rigaudon (Andre Campra 1660-1744)
We had an unexpected snow storm starting at about 7 am. I left home at 8 to do the 30 minute drive to church so I could do my usual preparation for the 9 am choir practice. There was a light snow when I left home but it wasn't sticking on the road. The farther I drove the more snow there was. Halfway to church there was about a 2 inch accumulation on the road, and by the time I reached the church the snow was 5 inches. So I went from 55 miles per hour on the 2-lane primary road, to 45 to 35 to 25. Arrived safely. We had 4 choir members attend and when church time came there were 6 in the congregation. In choir practice we worked on voice parts for anthems up through Easter and adapted the music planned for today's service. The bell choir canceled because some members could not get there in the snow and you have to have all the bells covered. I played a prelude that happened to be in my organ bag--Es ist das Heil uns kommen her….Komponist unbekannt (17th century) which came from the Peters Edition 80 Chorale Preludes. We had no sopranos in the choir, so on the introit and benediction responses I sang melody from the organ bench and the others sang parts, so we had in essence a male quartet with the altos taking the first tenor part and the baritone (me) on the melody. I sang the anthem as a solo from the organ bench.
The six members of the congregation enthusiastically suggested hymns for the hymn sing and everyone sang with strength and resolve. It was a true worship experience for all. By the time church ended the highway department had plowed the roads and it was an easy drive home. By the time I reached the halfway point there was little evidence that there had been a storm. Both sons and daughters in law along with all four granddaughters came for a delicious Sunday Dinner, which Joy had prepared, and we had a great time together.
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