Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Providence Presbyterian May 4, 2014

Sermon Text: Ruth 1.
Sermon Topic:  Hope in Suffering.  (from Naomi's viewpoint.) 

Prelude:  Prelude #1  (Ernest Bloch 1880-1959)

Introit: “God His Own Doth Tend and Nourish”  (Traditional Swedish Melody)

Hymn 260: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”

Prayer Response: “Hear Our Prayer O Lord”  (Whelpton)

Anthem:  “Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee”  (Charles Gounod 1818-1893)
Bob Moody, baritone & organist

Hymn 361: “How Firm A Foundation”

Offertory:  Miniature in Lydian Mode, op 55 #8 (Flor Peeters 1903-1986)

Hymn 638 (Supplemental Hymnal) “Take The Name of Jesus With You” 

Choral Benediction:  “Go With Us Lord”  (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585) 

Postlude:  “Fughetta on A Mighty Fortress”  (Johann Pachelbel 1653-1706)

=====Music Notes===
Ernest Bloch was a Swiss-born American composer of Orchestral, choral, chamber, and instrumental works.  The first of “Six Preludes for Organ” was composed in 1949 and appears on the album “Organ Music from Israel.” 

Flor Peeters, a Belgian composer, organist, and teacher composed his Miniatures in 1955.  The Lydian Mode has the 4th note of the scale a half step higher than expected.   

Johann Pachelbel was a German Baroque composer, organist, and teacher who brought the South German organ tradition to its peak.  He uses the first phrase of the hymn as his fugue subject. 

Charles Gounod of Paris was a major classical composer of the 19th Century.  His output included 13 operas, and a large body of instrumental, orchestral, sacred and ballet works. 

Bloch Prelude:  Swell:  Stopped Diapason 8.  Gt. Melodia 8.  Pedal: Bourdon 16

Peeters Miniature:  Melody on Swell:  Stopped Diapason 8, Harmonic Flute 4
Counterpoint on Great:  Melodia 8.   Pedal Point in Pedal:  Bourdon 16

Pachelbel Fughetta:  Swell:  Stopped Diapason 8, Harmonic Flute 4  
Great:  Open Diapason 8, Swell to Great 4.  Pedal:  Bourdon 16, Great to Pedal.
This gives 8.4.2 in the Great and in the pedal. 

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