Serenity at Trinity
August 6, 2014
“Lutheran Chorales, J. S. Bach, and his associates”
Each hymn will be preceded by a chorale prelude from a 17th century German composer.
ORGAN PRELUDE: Prelude and Fugue in G Major BWV 557!......................J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, The King of Creation
Lobe den Herren.... Prelude by Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748) Bach’s Cousin
HYMN #39 Verses 1 & 4 (Please stand and be seated after the hymn) *see hymn notes below
PRAYER AND SCRIPTURE -- Pastor Tim Bohlmann
CHRISTMAS: Now Sing We, Now Rejoice
In Dulci Jubilo..... Prelude by Johann Michael Bach (1648-1694) Father of J.S.’s first wife. Hymn #92 Verses 1&4 (Please remain seated)
PALM SUNDAY: All Glory, Laud and Honor
Valet will ich dir geben.... Prelude:Georg Friedrich Kaufmann.(1679-1735) Lost job competition to Bach Hymn# 160 Verses 1&2 (Please remain seated)
GOOD FRIDAY: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Herzlich tut mich.... Prelude by Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) Bach walked 250 miles to hear him. Hymn #172 Verses 1 & 4 RHYTHMIC METER (Please remain seated)
EASTER SUNDAY: Like the Golden Sun Ascending
Werde Munter... Prelude by J. G. Walther
Hymn #207 Verses 1 & 2 (Please stand and be seated after the hymn.)
PENTECOST: Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott... Prelude by Friedrich Wilhelm Zachau (1663-1712)
Zachau was Handel’s first teacher, and preceded J. S. Bach at Halle Hymn #224 Verses 1 & 3 RHYTHMIC METER (Please remain seated)
EVENING PRAYER -- Pastor Tim Bohlmann
REFORMATION SUNDAY: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Ein’ feste Burg... Prelude by Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)
Friend of J. S. Bach’s father and tutor to all the Bach Children including Johann
Hymn #262 all verses with Amen. RHYTHMIC METER (Please stand and be seated after Amen.)
CLOSING VOLUNTARY: Fugue in C Major!............................................................Johann Pachelbel
BENEDICTION --- Pastor Tim Bohlmann
Organist: Bob Moody b. 1941 Registrant: Austin Wood b. 1998
Hymn marking | indicates a pause for a breath. There is a slight breath pause at bar lines in Rhythmic Hymns. Rhythmic meter gives 1 beat to a quarter note, 2 to a half note and there is syncopation. Hymn 39: Melody is different on last 3 bars of 1st and 2nd lines. Hymn #92: Rhythm is different. Hymn #172 is in Rhythmic Meter. Hymn 224 is in Rhythmic Meter. Hymn 262 is in Rhythmic Meter.
The Trinity Moller is the oldest playable pipe organ in Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta/Charlottesville/Albemarle in its original location and unaltered tonally or mechanically. Originally hand pumped, an electrically powered blower to provide wind for the pipes was added when Rural Electification came to the area. Nothing else in the church is powered by electricity.
The organ has direct mechanical action linkage (tracker action) connecting manual keys to the pallet valves in the windchest that let air into the pipes. Sliders run at a 90 degree angle, allowing the set of pipes to be selected for playing. The pedal keys play their notes by opening a valve to allow air into copper tubes that run to the pedal chest and operates a valve there that admits air into a pipe. The Tubular system allowed the pedal pipes to be placed in various locations in the chamber as space permitted.
The organ has seven sets of pipes. Each set is called a “stop” because the slider stops the air, or allows it to pass, depending on how the “stop knob” is set:
Great organ (lower keyboard)
Open Diapason 8’ -- 61 open metal pipes that sing “oh” in the bass and “ah” in the treble; loud
The gold pipes in front are the bass pipes of this stop. The remaining pipes are are behind this. Melodia 8’ -- 61 open wood and metal pipes that sing “who” Medium volume Dulciana8’--49openmetalpipesofnarrowscalethatwhisper“eh” Veryquiet
Swell organ (upper keyboard; pipes are in an enclosure with movable shutters for volume control.) Stopped Diapason 8’ -- 61 stopped wood pipes that sing “ooo” medium volume
Vioiln Diapason (sic) 8’ 49 open metal pipes that sing “eee” medium volume
Flauto Traverso 4’ -- 81 open wood and metal pipes that sing “tae” medium volume
Pedal organ (played by the feet)
Bourdon16’--30stopperedwoodenpipesoflargescale. TheysingMMMMMmuchlikethestringbassofthe orchestra. Medium loud.
A “tremulant” applies a violin-like vibrato to the pipes by varying the wind supply.
Couplers that allow one set of keys to play a second or third set with one key.
Swell to Great 8‘ The Great manual also makes the corresponding Swell key go down.
Swell to Great 4‘ The Great manual keys make the corresponding swell keys an octave higher go down.
Swell to Pedal 8’ The pedal also makes the corresponding Swell key play.
Great to Pedal 8‘ The pedal also makes the corresponding Great key play.
When the Swell to Great 4’ and the Great to pedal 8’ are on, the swell also plays in the pedal an octave higher than the sound of the Swell to Great 8. Using multiple couplers makes the touch heavier.
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