Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Providence Presbyterian September 7 2014

Music for September 7 2014

Prelude: “Fantasia”  (Johann Pachelbel 1653-1706)

Introit: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” (Helen Howarth Lemmel 1863-1961)

Hymn 370: “Just As I Am, Without One Plea”

Prayer Response:  “Hear Our Prayer O Lord” (Psalm 143:1  George Whelpton 1847-1930)

Anthem: “My Lord, What a Morning” (Spiritual, arr. Jay Althouse b. 1951)

Hymn 366: “Jesus, Thy Boundless Love To Me”

Offertory: “Orgelstück”  (Justin Heirich Knecht 1752-1817)

Hymn 620 (Supplemental Hymnal):  “Love Lifted Me”

Closing Response: “May The Grace of Christ Our Savior” (text: John Newton 1725-1807, music: Sir John Stainer 1840-1901)

Postlude:  “Postludium In G”  (Sir John Stainer)

========music notes=========
Helen Lemmel, the daughter of a Britsh Methodist minister, emigrated to the US with her family when she was 12. After working as music critic for the Seattle newspaper and then, as a gifted singer, she studied in Germany at the urging of celebrated singer Ernestine Schumann-Heink.  Upon her return she gave vocal concerts around the country, and became a college voice teacher.  Among her works are a hymnal used by evangelist Billy Sunday (1832-1936).  

John Newton wrote the text of the closing response.  His first career was that of a ship’s captain of a slave ship.  During a great storm on May 10, 1748,  he experienced what he was to refer to later as his “great deliverance.”  After his conversion he retired from the sea and leader of the Calvanistic Methodist Church.  His other hymn texts include “Amazing Grace,”  “Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken” and “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds.” 

English composer Sir John Stainer was known for his cantata “The Crucifixion” which is sung around the world on Good Friday.  His work as choir trainer and organist set standards for Anglican church music that are still influential.  His “Complete Organ Method” was the teaching method of choice around the world from its publication in 1909 until the mid-20th century. 

New Providence Presbyterian August 31 2014

Music for August 31—Hymn Sing Sunday

Prelude:  “Come, Christians, Join to Sing”  (Donald Hustad 1918-2013)

Introit: “Surely The Presence of the Lord is in this Place (Lanny Wolfe b. 1942)

Hymn 220 “All People That On Earth Do Dwell”  (Psalm 100) 

Prayer Response:  Threefold Amen (Traditional Danish)

Anthem: “The Lord Is My Strength” (Caleb Simper 1856-1942)
      The Lord is my strength and my song and is become my salvation.
        Open me the gates of righteousness that I may go into them and give thanks unto the Lord.
        The same stone which the builders refused is become the headstone in the corner.
        This is the day which the Lord has made.  Let us be glad and rejoice in it!

Fifth Sunday Hymn Sing.  

Offertory:  “Pastorale”  (Caleb Simper)

Hymn 262:  “God of the Ages”

Response:  God Be With You ‘Till We Meet Again (R. Vaughan Williams 1872-1958)

Postlude:  “The Way of the Cross Leads Home”  (Paul Davis b. 1934)

=====Music Notes==========
Caleb Simper, the son of a shoemaker, was born in a village in the west of England, worked in a music shop owned by the Elgar family (Edward Elgar wrote “Pomp and Circumstance”) and spent his life as a choirmaster, organist, and composer.  He produced a prodigious amount of choral and organ music aimed at small parishes.  Over 5 million copies of his anthems had been sold worldwide by the 1920’s.  His anthems are popular in South Africa, Australia, and Singapore and are seeing a resurgence worldwide. 

Paul Davis is a pseudonym for Jama Smith, wife of composer Lani Smith.  Together they have composed or arranged well over 1000 choral and organ works for the Lorenz corporation.  They live in Arizona.   

New Providence Presbyterian August 24 2014

Music for August 24

Prelude:  “The Church’s One Foundation”  (arr. Donald Hustad 1918-2013)

Introit: “Surely The Presence of the Lord is in this Place (Lanny Wolfe b. 1942)

Hymn 423:  “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun”

Prayer Response:  Threefold Amen (Traditional Danish)

Anthem:  Jesus Is All the World to Me (Will. L. Thompson 1847-1909)

Hymn of preparation 639 (supplemental Hymnal)  “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” 

Hymn 439:  “In Christ There Is No East or West”

Offertory:  In Thee, O Lord, Have I Put My Trust (Johann Christoph Bach 1642-1703)

Hymn 633 (Supplemental Hymnal )  “Wonderful Words of Life”

Response:  God Be With You ‘Till We Meet Again (R. Vaughan Williams 1872-1958)

Postlude:  “Assurance”  (John Ness Beck 1930-1987 arr. Janet Linker b.1938) 

New Providence Presbyterian August 17 2014

Music for August 17

Prelude:  “Salvation Unto Us Has Come”   (17th century Anonymous)

Introit: “Surely The Presence of the Lord is in this Place (Lanny Wolfe b. 1942)

Hymn 478 “Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven”

Prayer Response:  Threefold Amen (Traditional Danish)

Anthem:  “This Little Light of Mine” (arr. Bob Moody)

Hymn 391 “Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated”

Offertory:  “My Jesus, I Love Thee”  (arr. Donald Hustad  1918-2013)

Hymn 280: Amazing Grace

Response:  God Be With You ‘Till We Meet Again (R. Vaughan Williams 1872-1958)

Postlude:  “Toccata al Post Communio”  (Domenico Zipoli 1688-1726)

====== Music Notes ==========

Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  It is fitting, therefore that we include music in our church service from many traditions and eras, yet that which makes sense to our ears.  Today we have a Lutheran Chorale Prelude from the 17th century, a contemporary American Praise Song, a 19th-century response from Denmark, a spiritual arranged just for our choir, the first hymn with text by an Irish-born poet, the second hymn text by a British lady of the 19th century to the tune by an 18th century Swiss composer, an offertory by the organist of the Billy Graham Crusades,  the third hymn of unknown origin but published in Virginia Harmony in 1831, a response by the greatest British 20th century composer, and a postlude by an Italian Jesuit missionary to Argentina.  In the words of the hymn “Jesus is all the world to me.”  

Serenity At Trinity August 6 2014

Serenity at Trinity
August 6, 2014
“Lutheran Chorales, J. S. Bach, and his associates”
Each hymn will be preceded by a chorale prelude from a 17th century German composer.

ORGAN PRELUDE: Prelude and Fugue in G Major BWV 557!......................J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, The King of Creation
Lobe den Herren.... Prelude by Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748) Bach’s Cousin
HYMN #39 Verses 1 & 4 (Please stand and be seated after the hymn) *see hymn notes below

PRAYER AND SCRIPTURE -- Pastor Tim Bohlmann

CHRISTMAS: Now Sing We, Now Rejoice
In Dulci Jubilo..... Prelude by Johann Michael Bach (1648-1694) Father of J.S.’s first wife. Hymn #92 Verses 1&4 (Please remain seated)

PALM SUNDAY: All Glory, Laud and Honor
Valet will ich dir geben.... Prelude:Georg Friedrich Kaufmann.(1679-1735) Lost job competition to Bach Hymn# 160 Verses 1&2 (Please remain seated)

GOOD FRIDAY: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Herzlich tut mich.... Prelude by Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) Bach walked 250 miles to hear him. Hymn #172 Verses 1 & 4 RHYTHMIC METER (Please remain seated)

EASTER SUNDAY: Like the Golden Sun Ascending
Werde Munter... Prelude by J. G. Walther
Hymn #207 Verses 1 & 2 (Please stand and be seated after the hymn.)

PENTECOST: Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott... Prelude by Friedrich Wilhelm Zachau (1663-1712)
Zachau was Handel’s first teacher, and preceded J. S. Bach at Halle
 Hymn #224 Verses 1 & 3 RHYTHMIC METER (Please remain seated)

EVENING PRAYER -- Pastor Tim Bohlmann

REFORMATION SUNDAY: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Ein’ feste Burg... Prelude by Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)
Friend of J. S. Bach’s father and tutor to all the Bach Children including Johann
Hymn #262 all verses with Amen. RHYTHMIC METER (Please stand and be seated after Amen.)

CLOSING VOLUNTARY: Fugue in C Major!............................................................Johann Pachelbel 

BENEDICTION --- Pastor Tim Bohlmann
Organist: Bob Moody b. 1941 Registrant: Austin Wood b. 1998

Hymn marking | indicates a pause for a breath. There is a slight breath pause at bar lines in Rhythmic Hymns. Rhythmic meter gives 1 beat to a quarter note, 2 to a half note and there is syncopation. Hymn 39: Melody is different on last 3 bars of 1st and 2nd lines. Hymn #92: Rhythm is different. Hymn #172 is in Rhythmic Meter. Hymn 224 is in Rhythmic Meter. Hymn 262 is in Rhythmic Meter.

The Trinity Moller is the oldest playable pipe organ in Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta/Charlottesville/Albemarle in its original location and unaltered tonally or mechanically. Originally hand pumped, an electrically powered blower to provide wind for the pipes was added when Rural Electification came to the area. Nothing else in the church is powered by electricity.
The organ has direct mechanical action linkage (tracker action) connecting manual keys to the pallet valves in the windchest that let air into the pipes. Sliders run at a 90 degree angle, allowing the set of pipes to be selected for playing. The pedal keys play their notes by opening a valve to allow air into copper tubes that run to the pedal chest and operates a valve there that admits air into a pipe. The Tubular system allowed the pedal pipes to be placed in various locations in the chamber as space permitted.
The organ has seven sets of pipes. Each set is called a “stop” because the slider stops the air, or allows it to pass, depending on how the “stop knob” is set:
Great organ (lower keyboard)
Open Diapason 8’ -- 61 open metal pipes that sing “oh” in the bass and “ah” in the treble; loud
The gold pipes in front are the bass pipes of this stop. The remaining pipes are are behind this. Melodia 8’ -- 61 open wood and metal pipes that sing “who” Medium volume Dulciana8’--49openmetalpipesofnarrowscalethatwhisper“eh” Veryquiet
Swell organ (upper keyboard; pipes are in an enclosure with movable shutters for volume control.) Stopped Diapason 8’ -- 61 stopped wood pipes that sing “ooo” medium volume
Vioiln Diapason (sic) 8’ 49 open metal pipes that sing “eee” medium volume
Flauto Traverso 4’ -- 81 open wood and metal pipes that sing “tae” medium volume
Pedal organ (played by the feet)
Bourdon16’--30stopperedwoodenpipesoflargescale. TheysingMMMMMmuchlikethestringbassofthe orchestra. Medium loud.
A “tremulant” applies a violin-like vibrato to the pipes by varying the wind supply.
Couplers that allow one set of keys to play a second or third set with one key.
Swell to Great 8‘ The Great manual also makes the corresponding Swell key go down.
Swell to Great 4‘ The Great manual keys make the corresponding swell keys an octave higher go down.
Swell to Pedal 8’ The pedal also makes the corresponding Swell key play.
Great to Pedal 8‘ The pedal also makes the corresponding Great key play.
When the Swell to Great 4’ and the Great to pedal 8’ are on, the swell also plays in the pedal an octave higher than the sound of the Swell to Great 8. Using multiple couplers makes the touch heavier.

New Providence Presbyterian August 3 2014

Music for August 3 2014

Prelude:  Prelude and Fugue in G Major BWV 557 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)

Introit:  Surely the Presence of the Lord Is In This Place (Lanny Wolfe b. 1942)

Hymn 139:  “Come, Thou Almighty King

Prayer Response:  Threefold Amen (traditional Danish)

Anthem:  “Victory In Jesus”  (Eugene M. Bartlett 1885-1941)

Hymn (Insert) Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown

Offertory:  “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”  (Dietrich Buxtehude 1685-1750)

Hymn 655 (Supplemental Hymnal) “O God Our Help In Ages Past”

Closing Response: God be With You Till We Meet Again (Ralph Vaughan Williams 1872-1958)

Postlude:  Now Thank We All Our God  (Georg Friedrich Kauffmann 1679-1735)

=======Music Notes===========

Eugene Butler is known as “The Father of Southern Gospel Music.”  Lanny Wolfe also writes in the Southern Gospel style.  The text of “Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown” was written by Charles Wesley in 1742, based on today’s sermon text from Genesis.  When I was adding these words to the familiar “St. Catherine” tune (Faith of Our Fathers) there was an unavoidable line break in the 4th stanza in the word unutterable, so that “un-ut-ter” appears at the end of the first line and “able” appears at the beginning of the second line.  You may want to read through the words of the hymn during the Prelude, and then notice how clearly they parallel the second reading of scripture.  

New Providence Presbyterian July 27 2014

Prelude:  "Voluntary, Op 14 #3"  (Sir Edward Elgar 1857-1934)

Introit: Psalm 84  (arr. Bob Moody)

Hymn 361 "How Firm a Foundation

Prayer Response:  Trinity Alleluia

Anthem:  In Him Is Life --John 1  (Clifford McCormick)

Hymn 333:  Seek Ye First

Offertory:  Simple Gifts (Russell Schulz-Widmar b.1944)

Hymn 327:  O Word of God Incarnate

Response: Go with Us Lord (Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)

Postlude:  Voluntary in D Major  (Samuel Jackson 1818-1885)

New Providence Presbyterian July 20 2014

Music For July 20

Prelude:  Assurance (John Ness Beck 1930-1987, arr. Janet Linker b. 1938)

Introit: Psalm 84  (arr. Bob Moody)

Hymn (Insert) We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder. (arr. Bob Moody)

Prayer Response: Trinity Alleluia

Anthem: Down to the River to Pray—Appalachian Folk Hymn based on a Native American tune, arr. Sheldon curry. 

Offertory:  Voluntary In G  (Samuel Jackson 1784-1869)

Hymn 551:  Come, Ye Thankful People Come

Hymn 341: Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine.

Benediction Response:  Go With Us Lord (Thomas Tallis, 1505-1585)

Postlude:  Variations on Two Hymn Tunes (Noel Rawsthorne b. 1929)

New Providence Presbyterian July 13 2014

Music for July 13

Prelude  “On the Lake of Galilee”  (Isaac Barton MD 1857-1938)

Choral Introit “Psalm 84”  (arr. Bob Moody)

Hymn 482 “Praise Ye The Lord, The Almighty”

Prayer Response:  “Trinity Alleluia”

Anthem:  “Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks”  (Donald Fishel  b. 1950)

Hymn: 414:  As Those of Old Their Firstfruits Brought

Offertory: Pastorale on “Forest Green”  (Richard Purvis 1913-1994)

Hymn 644 (Supplemental Hymnal)  Bringing In The Sheaves

Choral Response “Go With Us, Lord”  (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)

Postlude:  Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (Donald Hustad 1918-2013)

========Music Notes==========
The tune for Hymn 414 is called Forest Green.  It was adapted from an English folksong by Ralph Vaughn Williams (1872-1958).   Vaughan Williams was the most famous and prolific British composer of the twentieth century.  

Richard Purvis began playing the organ at age 14 in churches and in the Civic Auditorium in San Francisco.  After study at the Curtis Institute of music and study in England and France, he enlisted in the US Army in World War II as a bandmaster.  He composed the Pastorale on Forest Green in a foxhole under enemy fire.  After his release from enemy captivity his band was given the honor of being the first band to march through Paris after its liberation. After the war he returned to his home town and was Organist and Master of Choristers at Grace Cathedral and at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor from 1947 through 1971.  He continued to compose, teach, and give recitals well into his 70’s. 

New Providence Presbyterian July 6 2014

Prelude:  The Penitent’s Prayer (Leslie F. Watson)

Offertory:   God Bless America  (Irving Berlin)

Postlude:  The Open Diapason March   (Louis Meyer) 


263   Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

403:  What A Friend We Have In Jesus 

645 (Supplemental Hymnal)   Jesus Saves

New Providence Presbyterian June 22, 2014

Music for June 22.
(Chiming of the Hour--handbell)
(Welcome and Announcements)
Prelude by The Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah: 
Beautiful Savior (arr. Bob Moody, b.1941)
El Shaddai (Michael Card and John Thompson)

(Silent Prayer)
Choral Introit “Psalm 84”  (arr. Bob Moody, b. 1941)
(Call to Worship)
Hymn 371:  Lift High the Cross
(Concerns, Pastoral Prayer, Lord’s Prayer)
Choral Response “Trinity Alleluia” (traditional)
(First Scripture)
Anthem:  “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” (Haldor Lillenas 1865-1959)
(Second Scripture)
(Sermon with prayer following)

Hymn “ Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said (Charles William Everest, 1833)
To the tune of “The Doxology”

1 Take up your cross, the Sav-ior said,
If you would My dis-ci-ple be:
Take up your cross with will-ing heart, 
And hum-bly fol-low after me. 

2. Take up your cross, let not its weight
Fill your weak spir-it with a-larm;
Christ’s strength shall bear your spir-it up
And brace your heart and nerve your arm.

3. Take up your cross, heed not the shame,
And let your fool-ish heart be still;
The Lord for you ac-cept-ed death
Upon a cross, on Cal-vary’s hill.

4. Take up your cross, then,
In Christ’s strength, 
And calm-ly ev-ery dan-ger brave;
It guides you to a-bun-dant life
And leads to vic-tory o’er the grave. 

Offertory by The Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah:
    Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring  (J. S. Bach 1865-1750)

(Doixology and prayer)

Hymn 361:  How Firm a Foundation
(Please be seated for the concluding voluntary)

Concluding Voluntary by the Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah
Bourée  (J. S. Bach, arr. Amy Rice Young b.1952)


Choral Response “Go With Us, Lord”  (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)

Closing Voluntary:  Toccata in F Major BusWV157 (Dietrich Buxtehude 1637-1707)  

Music Notes

The Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah is a full-range flute choir including bass flute, alto flute, soprano flute, and piccolo.  Most are members of The Stonewall Brigade Band of Staunton.  The flute choir practices at 6:30 every Monday, before the 8pm band rehearsal or concert.  Members come from Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County, Albemarle County, Nelson County, and Charlottesville.  Playing today are Amelia Ammons, Pami Brown-Gaines, Maggie Clower, Don Davis, Jean LaMastra, Pam Mason, Sara Reynolds, Sara Robertson, Sarah Snead, Suzi Wisler, Austin Wood, and Christine Wood.  Conducting today is Spencer Moore. 

Music for June 15-- Trinity Sunday--New Providence Presbyterian.

Music for June 15 — Trinity Sunday

Prelude:  Two variations on “Old Hundredth”  (Dudley Buck 1830-1909)

Choral Introit “Psalm 84”  (arr. Bob Moody, b. 1941)

Hymn 138: “Holy, Holy, Holy” 

Choral Response “Trinity Alleluia” (traditional)

Anthem: “I Sing As I Arise Today”  (Text: attr. St. Patrick 460-535; Music arr. Joseph Clokey 1890-1960)

Hymn 220: Psalm 100 “All People That On Earth Do Dwell”

Offertory:  “All Glory Be to God On HIgh” (Georg Philipp Telemann 1681-1757)

Hymn 429: “Lord, You Give the Great Commission”  

Choral Response “Go With Us, Lord”  (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)

Postlude: “Psalm 19—The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” (Benedetto Marcello 1686-1739)

Music Notes:

Dudley  Buck was America’s most prolific 19th Century composer.  Born in Hartford Ct, he was educated in Germany, and taught in his own organ studio in Chicago until it was destroyed in the Great Fire.  He returned to New England as composer, concert organist, and conductor, and also conducted and was organist in New York City.

The introduction to “Holy Holy Holy” is by Dr. Joyce Jones, who recently retired as head of the organ department at Baylor University. Her most recent CD was recorded on the organ in the Cadet Chapel at West Point. 

The text of the anthem is known as Saint Patrick’s Breastplate.  The musical setting includes two traditional Irish melodies—St. Patrick and Deidre.  It speaks not only to the Trinity but also to God’s Omnipresence. 

Benedetto Giacomo Marcello was an Italian composer, writer, advocate, magistrate and teacher.  Psalm 19 was originally for chorus and orchestra.  This organ score was arranged by Thomas Gieschen (1936-2006.)