Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Providence Presbyterian June 22, 2014

Music for June 22.
(Chiming of the Hour--handbell)
(Welcome and Announcements)
Prelude by The Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah: 
Beautiful Savior (arr. Bob Moody, b.1941)
El Shaddai (Michael Card and John Thompson)

(Silent Prayer)
Choral Introit “Psalm 84”  (arr. Bob Moody, b. 1941)
(Call to Worship)
Hymn 371:  Lift High the Cross
(Concerns, Pastoral Prayer, Lord’s Prayer)
Choral Response “Trinity Alleluia” (traditional)
(First Scripture)
Anthem:  “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” (Haldor Lillenas 1865-1959)
(Second Scripture)
(Sermon with prayer following)

Hymn “ Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said (Charles William Everest, 1833)
To the tune of “The Doxology”

1 Take up your cross, the Sav-ior said,
If you would My dis-ci-ple be:
Take up your cross with will-ing heart, 
And hum-bly fol-low after me. 

2. Take up your cross, let not its weight
Fill your weak spir-it with a-larm;
Christ’s strength shall bear your spir-it up
And brace your heart and nerve your arm.

3. Take up your cross, heed not the shame,
And let your fool-ish heart be still;
The Lord for you ac-cept-ed death
Upon a cross, on Cal-vary’s hill.

4. Take up your cross, then,
In Christ’s strength, 
And calm-ly ev-ery dan-ger brave;
It guides you to a-bun-dant life
And leads to vic-tory o’er the grave. 

Offertory by The Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah:
    Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring  (J. S. Bach 1865-1750)

(Doixology and prayer)

Hymn 361:  How Firm a Foundation
(Please be seated for the concluding voluntary)

Concluding Voluntary by the Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah
Bourée  (J. S. Bach, arr. Amy Rice Young b.1952)


Choral Response “Go With Us, Lord”  (Thomas Tallis 1505-1585)

Closing Voluntary:  Toccata in F Major BusWV157 (Dietrich Buxtehude 1637-1707)  

Music Notes

The Stonewall Flutes of the Shenandoah is a full-range flute choir including bass flute, alto flute, soprano flute, and piccolo.  Most are members of The Stonewall Brigade Band of Staunton.  The flute choir practices at 6:30 every Monday, before the 8pm band rehearsal or concert.  Members come from Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County, Albemarle County, Nelson County, and Charlottesville.  Playing today are Amelia Ammons, Pami Brown-Gaines, Maggie Clower, Don Davis, Jean LaMastra, Pam Mason, Sara Reynolds, Sara Robertson, Sarah Snead, Suzi Wisler, Austin Wood, and Christine Wood.  Conducting today is Spencer Moore. 

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